Should I Hire a Professional to Live Stream My Event?

You’ve exhausted your resources and are finally ready to launch your product to the public. There’s just one problem: how do you get people to actually care? In today’s world, the answer is simple — go live on social media! But that begs the question, should you go live on social media or hire a professional? 

The Benefits of Going Live on Social Media

Live streaming is an excellent way to connect with potential customers in real time. It allows you to show off your product or service in all its glory and gives you a chance to answer any questions or address any concerns people may have. Additionally, live streaming helps to build trust and credibility with potential customers. After all, they can see that you’re a real person interested in providing them with an excellent product or service. 

Perhaps most importantly, live streaming is incredibly cost-effective. All you need is a smartphone and an internet connection, and you’re good to go! Additionally, most social media platforms don’t charge users to go live. That being said, if you’re considering going live on social media by yourself, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

The Downsides of Going Live on Social Media by Yourself

First and foremost, when you go live on social media by yourself, there’s always the chance that something will go wrong. Perhaps your internet connection will drop out in the middle of your stream, or your battery will die just as you’re getting started. Alternatively, you’ll start queuing up, and before you know it, hours have gone by, and you still need to get to the meat of your product launch!

When you hire a professional to live stream your event, on the other hand, you can rest assured knowing that everything will run smoothly. Professionals have the experience and the expertise necessary to ensure that your live stream is high-quality and glitch-free. They also have the right equipment—including backups!—to ensure your stream goes off without a hitch. Plus, they’ll be able to field questions from potential customers while keeping an eye on the time so that everyone gets the information they need without becoming bored or frustrated.

Why Hire A Professional Video Production Company For Your Live Event?

In short, live streaming is an excellent way to connect with potential customers and promote your product or service. However, you should keep a few things in mind before going live on social media by yourself. First and foremost, there’s always the chance that something will go wrong. Additionally, keeping people engaged for an extended period can be challenging if you’re not a professional. Hiring a professional video production company to live stream your event is generally best. They have the experience, and the expertise necessary to ensure that everything runs smoothly and your message is communicated clearly and effectively.


So, should you hire a professional to live stream your event? Ultimately, that decision comes down to what’s important to you and your budget. However, if the highest quality and peace of mind are priorities, hiring a professional is definitely the way to go!